Draft version of my IF history textbook, Learning from the Best of Text (released)

Actually, getting the citations to work went well and I’ve added them in (doesn’t change grammar so no need to redownload):


Yeah, I wouldn’t have time to do an actual editing editing pass, and my impression is that the text doesn’t need that anyway. I’m only talking about basic grammatical/formatting issues. I just want to make sure that, if I edit the manuscript, my edits can be used. Cause it’ll probably take me a decent chunk of time. This seems like it’ll be an important reference book for the community, so I don’t mind helping out! I’ll see how much ground I can cover in the next week.


Oh, that sounds great!

I’ve also added an index as @vivdunstan asked for but so far it only works on the pdf version.
LearningV8.pdf (1.6 MB)


That looks really nice! Glad you added that in.

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I’m up to about 160/260 pages, just to give an update. And I think the actual text stops at around page 220, so I’m over halfway there!


I’m so close to being done with this. I actually had everything lined up to push the ‘publish button’.

But I wanted to make sure my list of contributors is exhaustive. I’m sure I forgot someone. If you helped with this book and aren’t on this list, please let me know!

Thanks to everyone who helped find errors in this book, including Vivienne Dunstan, Hidnook, P.B. Parjeter, Max Fog, Wade Clarke, Jim Nelson, Tabitha, ausgerechnet, C.E.J. Pacian, Marco Innocenti, Joey Jones, Manonamora, Mike Russo, Piergiorgio d’errico, and Chandler Groover.


a capitalisation issue in my name:

is Piergiorgio d’Errico (lowercase d, apostrophe, uppercase E)

Thanks for the recognition ! and
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.