Division and Multiplication of Values

So, I’m trying to get Inform to multiply and divide values:

[code][Gam Equation]
Equation - Gam Equation
X = B+(L*T)+E
Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwenty, L is SklLuck, T is ThreeSkill, and E is Extra Gam.

	[Out Equation]
	Equation - Out Equation
		X = B+((I+E)/T)+O
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseFive, I is SklIntelligence, E is SklEndurance, T is TwoSkill, and O is Extra Out.

A Skill Value is a kind of value. 1% specifies a Skill Value.
Gam is a Skill Value that varies. Gam is usually 20%.
Out is a Skill Value that varies. Out is usually 5%.

TwoSkill is a Skill Value that varies. TwoSkill is usually 2%.
ThreeSkill is a Skill Value that varies. ThreeSkill is usually 3%.
BaseFive is a Skill Value that varies. BaseFive is usually 5%.
BaseTwenty is a Skill Value that varies. BaseTwenty is usually 20%.

Extra Gam is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Gam is usually 0%.
Extra Out is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Out is usually 0%.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Gam Equation;
	Now Gam is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Out Equation;
	Now Out is X.

A SPECIAL Value is a kind of value. 1 SPECIAL specifies a SPECIAL Value.
Endurance is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Endurance is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Intelligence is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Intelligence is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Luck is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Luck is usually 5 SPECIAL.


SklEndurance is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Endurance is 1 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 1%;
If Endurance is 2 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 2%;
If Endurance is 3 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 3%;
If Endurance is 4 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 4%;
If Endurance is 5 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 5%;
If Endurance is 6 SPECIAL, now SklEndurace is 6%;
If Endurance is 7 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 7%;
If Endurance is 8 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 8%;
If Endurance is 9 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 9%;
If Endurance is 10 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 10%.
Every turn:
If Endurance is 1 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 1%;
If Endurance is 2 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 2%;
If Endurance is 3 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 3%;
If Endurance is 4 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 4%;
If Endurance is 5 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 5%;
If Endurance is 6 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 6%;
If Endurance is 7 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 7%;
If Endurance is 8 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 8%;
If Endurance is 9 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 9%;
If Endurance is 10 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 10%.


SklIntelligence is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Intelligence is 1 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 1%;
If Intelligence is 2 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 2%;
If Intelligence is 3 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 3%;
If Intelligence is 4 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 4%;
If Intelligence is 5 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 5%;
If Intelligence is 6 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 6%;
If Intelligence is 7 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 7%;
If Intelligence is 8 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 8%;
If Intelligence is 9 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 9%;
If Intelligence is 10 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 10%.
Every turn:
If Intelligence is 1 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 1%;
If Intelligence is 2 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 2%;
If Intelligence is 3 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 3%;
If Intelligence is 4 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 4%;
If Intelligence is 5 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 5%;
If Intelligence is 6 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 6%;
If Intelligence is 7 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 7%;
If Intelligence is 8 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 8%;
If Intelligence is 9 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 9%;
If Intelligence is 10 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 10%.


SklLuck is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Luck is 1 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 1%;
If Luck is 2 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 2%;
If Luck is 3 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 3%;
If Luck is 4 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 4%;
If Luck is 5 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 5%;
If Luck is 6 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 6%;
If Luck is 7 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 7%;
If Luck is 8 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 8%;
If Luck is 9 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 9%;
If Luck is 10 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 10%.
Every turn:
If Luck is 1 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 1%;
If Luck is 2 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 2%;
If Luck is 3 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 3%;
If Luck is 4 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 4%;
If Luck is 5 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 5%;
If Luck is 6 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 6%;
If Luck is 7 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 7%;
If Luck is 8 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 8%;
If Luck is 9 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 9%;
If Luck is 10 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 10%.[/code]

So, it comes up with an error when I run this, I’m guessing something to do with the fact its’ two values (though, they’re all the same format). Might be the tabs, but anyways.

Any help is much appreciated!

What error?

I get two errors with that code (here’s my full source text, though, so I get many more errors) and they say that I’m “not using good arithmetic”.

[code]“SPECIAL System” by Blaze5565

Section 0 - Testing - Not for release

Tests is a room. The crate is in Tests.

Instead of taking the crate:
Let T be given by the SPECIAL Equation;
Say “[T].”

After examining the crate the fifth time:
Say “It’s just a crate. Can you understand that?”

After examining the crate the tenth time:
Say “You can’t look at the crate anymore.”

Instead of examining the crate the eleventh time:
Say “No.”

Instead of examining the crate the 12th time:
Say “No.”

Instead of examining the crate the 13th time:
Say “No.”

Instead of examining the crate the 14th time:
Say “No.”

Before examining the crate the 15th time:

After examining the crate the 20th time:
End the game in death.

Section 1 - Set up

[Leftover SPECIAL Equation]
Equation - Leftover SPECIAL Equation
L = M-T
Where L is a SPECIAL Value, M is Max SPECIAL, and T is Total SPECIAL.

[SPECIAL Equation]
Equation - SPECIAL Equation
	T = S+P+E+C+I+A+L
Where T is a SPECIAL Value, S is Strength, P is Perception, E is Endurance, C is Charisma, I is Intelligence, A is Agility, and L is Luck.

[Skill Equations]
	[BiG Equation]
	Equation - BiG Equation
		X = B+A+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTen, A is SklAgility, and E is Extra BiG.

	[EnW Equation]
	Equation - EnW Equation
		X = B+A+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTen, A is SklAgility, and E is Extra EnW.

	[MeW Equation]
	Equation - MeW Equation
		X = B+((S+A)/T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseFiftyFive, S is SklStrength, A is SklAgility, T is TwoSkill, and E is Extra MeW.

	[SmG Equation]
	Equation - SmG Equation
		X = B+A+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseThirtyFive, A is SklAgility, and E is Extra SmG.

	[Thr Equation]
	Equation - Thr Equation
		X = B+A+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseForty, A is SklAgility, and E is Extra Thr.

	[Una Equation]
	Equation - Una Equation
		X = B+((S+A)/T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseSixtyFive, S is SklStrength, A is SklAgility, T is TwoSkill, and E is Extra Una.
	[Doc Equation]
	Equation - Doc Equation
		X = B+((P+I)/T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseFifteen, P is SklPerception, I is SklIntelligence, T is TwoSkill, and E is Extra Doc.
	[FiA Equation]
	Equation - FiA Equation
		X = B+((P+I)/T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseThirty, P is SklPerception, I is SklIntelligence, T is TwoSkill, and E is Extra FiA.
	[Loc Equation]
	Equation - Loc Equation
		X = B+((P+A)/T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwenty, P is SklPerception, A is SklAgility, T is TwoSkill, and E is Extra Loc.
	[Rep Equation]
	Equation - Rep Equation
		X = B+I+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwenty, I is SklIntelligence, and E is Extra Rep.
	[Sci Equation]
	Equation - Sci Equation
		X = B+(T*I)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwentyFive, I is SklIntelligence, T is TwoSkill, E is Extra Sci, and S is TwoSkill.
	[Sne Equation]
	Equation - Sne Equation
		X = B+A+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwentyFive, A is SklAgility, and E is Extra Sne.
	[Ste Equation]
	Equation - Ste Equation
		X = B+A+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwenty, A is SklAgility, and E is Extra Ste.
	[Tra Equation]
	Equation - Tra Equation
		X = B+((P+A)/T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwenty, P is SklPerception, A is SklAgility, T is TwoSkill, and E is Extra Tra.
	[Bar Equation]
	Equation - Bar Equation
		X = B+(C*T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwenty, C is SklCharisma, T is TwoSkill, and E is Extra Bar.
	[Gam Equation]
	Equation - Gam Equation
		X = B+(L*T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwenty, L is SklLuck, T is ThreeSkill, and E is Extra Gam.
	[Out Equation]
	Equation - Out Equation
		X = B+((I+E)/T)+O
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseFive, I is SklIntelligence, E is SklEndurance, T is TwoSkill, and O is Extra Out.
	[Spe Equation]
	Equation - Spe Equation
		X = B+(C*T)+E
	Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwentyFive, C is SklCharisma, T is TwoSkill, and E is Extra Spe.

[Skills Setup]
[Skills Stats]
A Skill Value is a kind of value. 1% specifies a Skill Value.
BiG is a Skill Value that varies. BiG is usually 10%.
EnW is a Skill Value that varies. EnW is usually 10%.
MeW is a Skill Value that varies. MeW is usually 55%.
SmG is a Skill Value that varies. SmG is usually 35%.
Thr is a Skill Value that varies. Thr is usually 40%.
Una is a Skill Value that varies. Una is usually 65%.
Doc is a Skill Value that varies. Doc is usually 15%.
FiA is a Skill Value that varies. FiA is usually 30%.
Loc is a Skill Value that varies. Loc is usually 20%.
Rep is a Skill Value that varies. Rep is usually 20%.
Sci is a Skill Value that varies. Sci is usually 25%.
Sne is a Skill Value that varies. Sne is usually 25%.
Ste is a Skill Value that varies. Ste is usually 20%.
Tra is a Skill Value that varies. Tra is usually 20%.
Bar is a Skill Value that varies. Bar is usually 20%.
Gam is a Skill Value that varies. Gam is usually 20%.
Out is a Skill Value that varies. Out is usually 5%.
Spe is a Skill Value that varies. Spe is usually 25%.

[Base Stats]
TwoSkill is a Skill Value that varies. TwoSkill is usually 2%.
ThreeSkill is a Skill Value that varies. ThreeSkill is usually 3%.
BaseFive is a Skill Value that varies. BaseFive is usually 5%.
BaseTen is a Skill Value that varies. BaseTen is usually 10%.
BaseFifteen is a Skill Value that varies. BaseFifteen is usually 15%.
BaseTwenty is a Skill Value that varies. BaseTwenty is usually 20%.
BaseTwentyFive is a Skill Value that varies. BaseTwentyFive is usually 25%.
BaseThirty is a Skill Value that varies. BaseThirty is usually 30%.
BaseThirtyFive is a Skill Value that varies. BaseThirtyFive is usually 35%.
BaseForty is a Skill Value that varies. BaseForty is usually 40%.
BaseFiftyFive is a Skill Value that varies. BaseFiftyFive is usually 55%.
BaseSixtyFive is a Skill Value that varies. BaseSixtyFive is usually 65%.

[Earnt Points]
	Extra BiG is a Skill Value that varies. Extra BiG is usually 0%.
	Extra EnW is a Skill Value that varies. Extra EnW is usually 0%.
	Extra MeW is a Skill Value that varies. Extra MeW is usually 0%.
	Extra SmG is a Skill Value that varies. Extra SmG is usually 0%.
	Extra Thr is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Thr is usually 0%.
	Extra Una is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Una is usually 0%.
	Extra Doc is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Doc is usually 0%.
	Extra FiA is a Skill Value that varies. Extra FiA is usually 0%.
	Extra Loc is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Loc is usually 0%.
	Extra Rep is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Rep is usually 0%.
	Extra Sci is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Sci is usually 0%.
	Extra Sne is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Sne is usually 0%.
	Extra Ste is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Ste is usually 0%.
	Extra Tra is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Tra is usually 0%.
	Extra Bar is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Bar is usually 0%.
	Extra Gam is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Gam is usually 0%.
	Extra Out is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Out is usually 0%.
	Extra Spe is a Skill Value that varies. Extra Spe is usually 0%.

[Skills Updating]
Every turn:
	Let X be given by the BiG Equation;
	Now BiG is X;
	Say "[BiG], [SklAgility], [EnW], [Spe], [Out]."
Every turn:
	Let X be given by the EnW Equation;
	Now EnW is X.
Every turn:
	Let X be given by the MeW Equation;
	Now MeW is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the SmG Equation;
	Now SmG is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Thr Equation;
	Now Thr is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Una Equation;
	Now Una is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Doc Equation;
	Now Doc is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the FiA Equation;
	Now FiA is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Loc Equation;
	Now Loc is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Rep Equation;
	Now Rep is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Sci Equation;
	Now Sci is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Sne Equation;
	Now Sne is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Ste Equation;
	Now Ste is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Tra Equation;
	Now Tra is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Bar Equation;
	Now Bar is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Gam Equation;
	Now Gam is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Out Equation;
	Now Out is X.

Every turn:
	Let X be given by the Spe Equation;
	Now Spe is X.

A SPECIAL Value is a kind of value. 1 SPECIAL specifies a SPECIAL Value.
Max SPECIAL is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Max SPECIAL is usually 40 SPECIAL.
Total SPECIAL is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Total SPECIAL is usually 35 SPECIAL.
Leftover SPECIAL is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Leftover SPECIAL is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Strength is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Strength is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Perception is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Perception is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Endurance is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Endurance is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Charisma is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Charisma is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Intelligence is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Intelligence is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Agility is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Agility is usually 5 SPECIAL.
Luck is a SPECIAL Value that varies. Luck is usually 5 SPECIAL.

[SPECIAL Skill Value]
SklStrength is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Strength is 1 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 1%;
If Strength is 2 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 2%;
If Strength is 3 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 3%;
If Strength is 4 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 4%;
If Strength is 5 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 5%;
If Strength is 6 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 6%;
If Strength is 7 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 7%;
If Strength is 8 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 8%;
If Strength is 9 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 9%;
If Strength is 10 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 10%.
Every turn:
If Strength is 1 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 1%;
If Strength is 2 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 2%;
If Strength is 3 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 3%;
If Strength is 4 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 4%;
If Strength is 5 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 5%;
If Strength is 6 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 6%;
If Strength is 7 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 7%;
If Strength is 8 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 8%;
If Strength is 9 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 9%;
If Strength is 10 SPECIAL, now SklStrength is 10%.


SklPerception is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Perception is 1 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 1%;
If Perception is 2 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 2%;
If Perception is 3 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 3%;
If Perception is 4 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 4%;
If Perception is 5 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 5%;
If Perception is 6 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 6%;
If Perception is 7 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 7%;
If Perception is 8 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 8%;
If Perception is 9 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 9%;
If Perception is 10 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 10%.
Every turn:
If Perception is 1 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 1%;
If Perception is 2 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 2%;
If Perception is 3 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 3%;
If Perception is 4 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 4%;
If Perception is 5 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 5%;
If Perception is 6 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 6%;
If Perception is 7 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 7%;
If Perception is 8 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 8%;
If Perception is 9 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 9%;
If Perception is 10 SPECIAL, now SklPerception is 10%.


SklEndurance is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Endurance is 1 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 1%;
If Endurance is 2 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 2%;
If Endurance is 3 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 3%;
If Endurance is 4 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 4%;
If Endurance is 5 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 5%;
If Endurance is 6 SPECIAL, now SklEndurace is 6%;
If Endurance is 7 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 7%;
If Endurance is 8 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 8%;
If Endurance is 9 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 9%;
If Endurance is 10 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 10%.
Every turn:
If Endurance is 1 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 1%;
If Endurance is 2 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 2%;
If Endurance is 3 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 3%;
If Endurance is 4 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 4%;
If Endurance is 5 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 5%;
If Endurance is 6 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 6%;
If Endurance is 7 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 7%;
If Endurance is 8 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 8%;
If Endurance is 9 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 9%;
If Endurance is 10 SPECIAL, now SklEndurance is 10%.


SklCharisma is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Charisma is 1 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 1%;
If Charisma is 2 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 2%;
If Charisma is 3 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 3%;
If Charisma is 4 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 4%;
If Charisma is 5 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 5%;
If Charisma is 6 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 6%;
If Charisma is 7 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 7%;
If Charisma is 8 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 8%;
If Charisma is 9 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 9%;
If Charisma is 10 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 10%.
Every turn:
If Charisma is 1 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 1%;
If Charisma is 2 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 2%;
If Charisma is 3 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 3%;
If Charisma is 4 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 4%;
If Charisma is 5 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 5%;
If Charisma is 6 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 6%;
If Charisma is 7 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 7%;
If Charisma is 8 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 8%;
If Charisma is 9 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 9%;
If Charisma is 10 SPECIAL, now SklCharisma is 10%.


SklIntelligence is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Intelligence is 1 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 1%;
If Intelligence is 2 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 2%;
If Intelligence is 3 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 3%;
If Intelligence is 4 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 4%;
If Intelligence is 5 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 5%;
If Intelligence is 6 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 6%;
If Intelligence is 7 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 7%;
If Intelligence is 8 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 8%;
If Intelligence is 9 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 9%;
If Intelligence is 10 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 10%.
Every turn:
If Intelligence is 1 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 1%;
If Intelligence is 2 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 2%;
If Intelligence is 3 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 3%;
If Intelligence is 4 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 4%;
If Intelligence is 5 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 5%;
If Intelligence is 6 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 6%;
If Intelligence is 7 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 7%;
If Intelligence is 8 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 8%;
If Intelligence is 9 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 9%;
If Intelligence is 10 SPECIAL, now SklIntelligence is 10%.


SklAgility is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Agility is 1 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 1%;
If Agility is 2 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 2%;
If Agility is 3 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 3%;
If Agility is 4 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 4%;
If Agility is 5 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 5%;
If Agility is 6 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 6%;
If Agility is 7 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 7%;
If Agility is 8 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 8%;
If Agility is 9 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 9%;
If Agility is 10 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 10%.
Every turn:
If Agility is 1 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 1%;
If Agility is 2 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 2%;
If Agility is 3 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 3%;
If Agility is 4 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 4%;
If Agility is 5 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 5%;
If Agility is 6 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 6%;
If Agility is 7 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 7%;
If Agility is 8 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 8%;
If Agility is 9 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 9%;
If Agility is 10 SPECIAL, now SklAgility is 10%.


SklLuck is a Skill Value that varies.
When play begins:
If Luck is 1 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 1%;
If Luck is 2 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 2%;
If Luck is 3 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 3%;
If Luck is 4 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 4%;
If Luck is 5 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 5%;
If Luck is 6 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 6%;
If Luck is 7 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 7%;
If Luck is 8 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 8%;
If Luck is 9 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 9%;
If Luck is 10 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 10%.
Every turn:
If Luck is 1 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 1%;
If Luck is 2 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 2%;
If Luck is 3 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 3%;
If Luck is 4 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 4%;
If Luck is 5 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 5%;
If Luck is 6 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 6%;
If Luck is 7 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 7%;
If Luck is 8 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 8%;
If Luck is 9 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 9%;
If Luck is 10 SPECIAL, now SklLuck is 10%.

[Level Up]
[Total SPECIAL Updating]
Every turn:
Let T be given by the SPECIAL Equation;
Now Total SPECIAL is T.

[Leftover SPECIAL Updating]
Every turn:
	Let L be given by the Leftover SPECIAL Equation;
	Now Leftover SPECIAL is L.

Experience is a kind of value. 1EXP specifies Experience.

Level is a kind of value. Level 1 specifies a Level.

Reputation is some text that varies.

The Pip-Boy is a thing. The player holds the Pip-Boy. The Pip-Boy is edible.
After eating the Pip-Boy:
Say “It sparks and explodes in your face, thouroughly painting the room with you.”;
End the game in death.

The Pip-Boy Lamp is a device. The Pip-Boy Lamp is part of the Pip-Boy.[/code]

If you need, remove the [code][Experience]
Experience is a kind of value. 1EXP specifies Experience.

Level is a kind of value. Level 1 specifies a Level.

Reputation is some text that varies.[/code]
bit, because I’ve not even really started that part of the code.

But, yes, the problem is that I’m “not using good arithmetic.” Also, when I say error, I mean compile error, not an actual program error.


Not sure if this is the problem, but to clean up your code: why not just divide by 1 SPECIAL and then multiply by 1% to change units, rather than using cases?

[Gam Equation] Equation - Gam Equation X = B+(L*T)+E Where X is a Skill Value, B is BaseTwenty, L is SklLuck, T is ThreeSkill, and E is Extra Gam.
The error,

occurs because SklLuck (L) and ThreeSkill (T), which are multiplied by the term “L*T”, are both skill values.

A Skill Value is a kind of value. 1% specifies a Skill Value.

What is the intended meaning for the product of two percentages? In the problem report, Inform 7 is complaining that it doesn’t know how to multiply say 60% and 50% with the result being a percentage.

Ah. It’s not taking those as percentages (since it doesn’t know what a percentage means), it’s taking them as physical units. So multiplying 50% by 10% would give 500%%, which while technically correct is not usually how you would write it. I’m unfortunately not familiar enough with the values system to say how to make conversions between units automatic.

Well, I was sent some code to get the SPECIAL values to not need their own skill counterparts:

To decide which skill value is skillified (S - a SPECIAL value): decide on (S divided by 1 SPECIAL) multiplied by 1%.
However, that still doesn’t quite work. Then, I still need it to get the multiplication-thingy to work. Would it work if I changed it to, I dunno, “1Yay specifies a Skill Value,” and then added a suffix? I dunno how to change the suffix, either, by the way.


Or, maybe, use the same sort of thing, like divide by itself, then times them, then turn them into percentages again, somehow?