Description of ++/-- operators in Inform Technical Manual -- errata?

In section 5.7 Translation to assembly language (, the Inform Technical Manual provides the following example:

For example,

        while (i <= 10) print i++;

generates the assembly language

        .L0;    @jg i 10 ?L1;
                @inc i;
                @print_num i;
                @jump L0;

Since the ++ operator is used in the postfix position, shouldn’t the generated assembly be

        .L0;    @jg i 10 ?L1;
                @print_num i;
                @inc i;
                @jump L0;

instead? (Or alternatively shouldn’t the pre-compiled loop be “while (i <= 10) print ++i;”?)

I thought that maybe this was just a typo, but section 6.2 The operator precedence grammar ( contains a table with the following lines:

9      ++        unary   (pre/postfix)  read/increment or increment/read
9      --        unary   (pre/postfix)  read/decrement or decrement/read

The order of the descriptions here implies that prefix use translates to “read/increment” and postfix to “increment/read”, which agrees with the earlier example but seems reversed from how they actually work.

Are these errata, or am I misunderstanding something? Is there a published list of errata for the Inform Technical Manual?

Indeed, this starts by printing 0, meaning i is printed before it’s increased.