Default Messages by David Fisher

Where can I find the latest extension version for Default Messages by David Fisher?

I found Version 12/091223 but it has a lot of errors.

I think it could be that it is not compatible with Inform 10.

Some of the errors include: (there are lots more)

In Part 1 - Definitions, Section 1.1 - Library Message values in the extension Default Messages by David Fisher:
Problem. The sentence 'The library message ids are defined by the table of library messages'   (which asserts that 'LibMsg <examine while dark>'   is/are 'library message ids'  ) seems to be talking about a previously unknown room or thing called LibMsg <examine while dark>. Ordinarily, I would create this, but because the name contains the word 'when' or 'while' I'm going to say no.

 That's because this far more often happens by mistake than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like 'Jumping when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.' But in fact although 'jumping' is an action, 'Jumping when...' is not - 'when' can't be used here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead read as making an object 'jumping when the actor' and putting it on top of another one, 'trampoline is high-jumping'. This can lead to a lot of confusion.

 If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word 'when', try something like: 'In the box is a thing called When worlds collide.'

Problem. In row 96 of 'Table of library messages'  , the entry 'LibMsg <examine while dark>'   seems not to have defined a thing there, so perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?

 See the manual: 16.16 > 16.16. Defining things with tables

Problem. The sentence 'Table of library messages'   (which asserts that 'LibMsg <search while dark>'   is/are 'library message ids'  ) seems to be talking about a previously unknown room or thing called LibMsg <search while dark>. Ordinarily, I would create this, but because the name contains the word 'when' or 'while' I'm going to say no.

 That's because this far more often happens by mistake than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like 'Jumping when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.' But in fact although 'jumping' is an action, 'Jumping when...' is not - 'when' can't be used here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead read as making an object 'jumping when the actor' and putting it on top of another one, 'trampoline is high-jumping'. This can lead to a lot of confusion.

 If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word 'when', try something like: 'In the box is a thing called When worlds collide.'

Problem. In row 97 of 'Table of library messages'  , the entry 'LibMsg <search while dark>'   seems not to have defined a thing there, so perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?

Problem. The sentence 'Table of library messages'   (which asserts that 'LibMsg <look under while dark>'   is/are 'library message ids'  ) seems to be talking about a previously unknown room or thing called LibMsg <look under while dark>. Ordinarily, I would create this, but because the name contains the word 'when' or 'while' I'm going to say no.

 That's because this far more often happens by mistake than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like 'Jumping when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.' But in fact although 'jumping' is an action, 'Jumping when...' is not - 'when' can't be used here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead read as making an object 'jumping when the actor' and putting it on top of another one, 'trampoline is high-jumping'. This can lead to a lot of confusion.

 If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word 'when', try something like: 'In the box is a thing called When worlds collide.'

That would be from December 2009, so if you can’t find an updated version, there probably isn’t one. It’s not in
GitHub - i7/extensions: Inform 7 extensions -- some may be ready for public use, others may be barely working experiments. Enjoy!, which is where most extensions are. What does the extension do that you want it for? Maybe there’s another similar extension.

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A modern successor is Neutral Standard Responses.



I tried this but it give the following error:

In Volume - Player Description, Chapter 1 - Without Gender Options (for use without Gender Options by Nathanael Nerode) in the extension Neutral Standard Responses by Nathanael Nerode:
Problem. In the sentence 'Section 11 - People (in place of Section 11 - People in Standard Rules by Graham Nelson)'  , it looks as if you intend to replace a section of source text from the extension 'Standard Rules by Graham Nelson', but that extension does not seem to have any heading called 'Section 11 - People'. (The version I loaded was 3/120430.)

Not something specific.
I am playing around with extensions to see if I can use them in my project

Are you trying this in Inform v9?

ETA: I ask because the error message makes it seem as the extension is referring to Inform 10, but not finding what should be there, which suggests you’re using an v10 extension but a v9 compiler.

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No 10

Definitely using version 10 (latest, downloaded a few weeks back)

Ah, you’re using an old extension. Try the one here: extensions/Nathanael Nerode at 10.1 · i7/extensions · GitHub


Thanks will download it and give it a go

I tried it but get this error:

Problem. You wrote 'Version 5.0.220521 of Neutral Standard Responses by Nathanael Nerode'  : but a version number must have the form N/DDDDDD, as in the example '2/040426' for release 2 made on 26 April 2004. (The DDDDDD part is optional, so '3' is a legal version number too. N must be between 1 and 999: in particular, there is no version 0.)

Problem. The extension Neutral Standard Responses-v5 by Nathanael Nerode, which your source text makes use of, seems to be misidentified: its 'begins here' sentence declares it as 'Version 1 of Neutral Standard Responses by Nathanael Nerode'. (Perhaps it was wrongly installed?)

I have changed the version to:

Version 5/220521

but still get an error

Problem. The extension Neutral Standard Responses-v5 by Nathanael Nerode, which your source text makes use of, seems to be misidentified: its 'begins here' sentence declares it as 'Version 5/220521 of Neutral Standard Responses by Nathanael Nerode'. (Perhaps it was wrongly installed?)

Is there anything I did wrong?

Your Inform project must be set to 6M62 (or before). Look in the settings tab:

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This is my current setting


Yeah, that’s v9. Set it to Current Version.

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Ok let me try

Get this error

Problem. I can't find the extension requested by: 'Include Neutral Standard Responses-v5 by Nathanael Nerode'  .

 See the manual: 2.10 > 2.10. Installing extensions


Include Version 5.0.220521 of Neutral Standard Responses by Nathanael Nerode.

The file name doesn’t matter, just the version at the top of the file.

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Thanks, looks like it is working now.

No errors so far.

Will use and see how it goes.

Thanks again

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