Custom save menu problem

Recently, I started to create an alternative saves / loads menu, and then I started the structure for that.

:: UserOptions

<div id="SaveMenu">
    <div id="SaveMenuSlot-0" onclick="window.getSave(0)">
        <div id="saveFont">1: <<if Save.slots.has(0)>>Has save valid! <<else>>Empty save<</if>></div>

10 slots, then at the click…

window.getSave = function(slot) {
	if (SugarCube.Save.slots.has(slot)) {
		setup.currentSave = SugarCube.Save.slots.get(slot)
		setup.slot = slot;
	else {
		setup.currentSave = false;
		setup.slot = false;

	// Verify if the save is okay
	if (SugarCube.Save.slots.ok()) {


And then the updateSaveMenu, returning the links with the functions and parameters to be executed.

const updateSaveMenu = () => {

	setup.menuButtons.button1 = setup.mapButton("Save", false, { func:, value: setup.slot })

	if (setup.currentSave) {
        setup.menuButtons.button2 = setup.mapButton("Load", false, { func: SugarCube.Save.slots.load, value: setup.slot })
		setup.menuButtons.button3 = setup.mapButton("Delete", false, { func: SugarCube.Save.slots.delete, value: setup.slot })
	else {
		setup.menuButtons.button2 = setup.mapButton("Load", false, false)
		setup.menuButtons.button3 = setup.mapButton("Delete", false, false)

	setup.menuButtons.button15 = setup.mapButton("Return", setup.passageSave, false)


This works structurally, but when the commands are executed, but in practice saves and delete do not happen, and loads through this method trigger an error.

One note, if I run this through a different medium, like <<button “Save!”>><<run (1)>> <>, it works. So, I would like to ask what is going on, and how to resolve this bug.

Note: Here, the buttons structure.

setup.mapButton = function(buttonName: string, localToGo: any, callBack: any) {
    const newLink: Button = {
        name : buttonName

    if (localToGo) {
        // For battle system purposes, no keyboard changes needed
        if (typeof localToGo === 'function') {
            newLink.move = localToGo
        else {
            newLink.move = () => { 

    if (callBack) {
        // Object function (func) and value (value) properties
        newLink.callBack = callBack;

    return newLink;

Fixed, I found a solution for this. :grinning: