Craverly Heights open beta

This is getting way off topic, buuut…

Some guy was going on a rant about a well-known but widely hated webcomic that he really liked before. It seems he hated that they took away the hero’s special powers at the end? Anyway, it all capped off with that final line. It was like he came up with some kind of unintentional punchline.

Don’t worry, I’ll shove this thread back onto its rails: A bunch of bugs have been fixed, typos corrected, and most importantly Playfic is prepared to admit that it can handle Basic Screen Effects, so a new version is born.

It’s very easy for me to go in and fix little things if you happen to find anything else, so go ahead and let me know. Otherwise, this is where Craverly Heights will stand…until I decide to add another plotline.

Cool. So, the dog?.. is it now a solveable mystery, or just effect?..

It’s possible to find out what really happened, but I don’t know if you can do anything with the information.

Put on the sunglasses, then show the photo to Lord Craverly.