Cover Stories

Exactly right.

Some great images, nice work folks.

Question: Are you going to announce this to places outside the IF community?

I wasnā€™t planning on it ā€“ I donā€™t really have the community know-how, outside this little corner of the world ā€“ but Iā€™d have no objection to anybody else doing so.

As an organiser, Iā€™m treating this as a somewhat expanded version of a Speed-IF: basically a fun, low-pressure game jam held within a community. If a game or two gets produced that is of some lasting value or broad appeal, thatā€™s awesome; but if all anybody accomplishes is to amuse themselves and some of their friends, thatā€™s a success in my book. Similarly, if itā€™s an IF Community And Friends event rather than an IF Community event, thatā€™s awesome.

Also, man, that was pretty hard to choose; I came pretty close to going with zarfā€™s recipe books, Jessie Bennettā€™s wave-tree or Felix Plesoianuā€™s superimposed cities.

A reminder: Saturday is your last day of coding (again, the before-I-get-around-to-organising-this-on-Sunday deadline applies; I live in Seattle and get up ridiculously early.)

After that, weā€™re going into a two-week beta period, so you donā€™t need to have your game in perfect condition; but you should aim to have it in a suitable state for betatesting. Now would be a good time to start recruiting testers; Iā€™m going to ask authors if theyā€™d be willing to test each othersā€™ games, but you definitely want a bigger pool than that.


What is the protocol for submitting our games? Are we e-mailing them? Also, what is the before-I-get-around-to-organising-this-on-Sunday rule?


Yes: as mentioned upthread, email them to magadog, gmail.

The rule in question is, in effect: I will be sorting things out on Sunday morning once Iā€™ve got up, had some coffee and . So the effective deadline is probably around 6 AM Pacific, maybe a little later.

Iā€™m going to have to abuse this leniency a bit. So it is appreciated. But if I miss out, I miss out. Hopefully my game wonā€™t give too much evidence of how much or how badly I delayed.

ā€œMonkey Businessā€ will be updated later today - the second part wasnā€™t working properly (might have something to do with working on it at 1am). Iā€™ll also put my e-mail address in the game when I send the update, but anyone who wants to contact me can send e-mail message to (Ben, with the @ sign where you would expect.

Edit: Upload was for testers only - games are not public yet, of course.