Completed šŸ‘» Jams Reviews Round Up! ~ Bare-Bones, EctoComp and inkJam done!

~ ~ ~Into Darkness~ ~ ~ bu Jacic

Summary: Straying into darkness is easy, returning is far harder. What lurks in the ancient forests where mortals should fear to tread?

Thoughts: Light-horror poem about walking in the woods, with a bit of a Romantic vibes. I liked how the different lengths of the lines made the cadence a bit wrong (which adds to the horror bit). While there are difference choices, it seems like the end is always the same (how do you get the other ends?). Having a fear meter in the on the main page felt a bit distracting, as the poem holds on its own just fine.
Pretty impressive for just 4h.

EDIT: Keep track of what choices you picked and which order. It is indeed possible to reach the other 3 endings and get all achievement, but you need to be bit smart about it :stuck_out_tongue:

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