Comments on Graham's development progress for Inform 7

Yea, for fortnights forty have we, the Informed, dwelt in the desert awaiting to parse the Graham’s command, eating the mana of Graham’s crackers, yet our priests have seen not a release nor a note from the almighty Source, That From Which We Derive Our Works, and thus have murmurs in the dark amounted to curses! Yet, ye faithless, from Inform chapter 7, verse 6, we have acquired the following points, the rules that define our behavior Grahamly: first, we must serve His Puzzleship, though may His ways prove inscrutable; second, we must pray to be saved constantly, or we will find the state of our souls unwinnable; third, though we wander His ways aimless and hopeless, never fear, for frequently will we walkthrough the issue in His guidance. Therefore, ye Zealous of His Machinations, though we have waited a Half Nelson, we reside still, even unto a Full Nelson, that He may deliver us in a period in His developments effectively short. To this end, I have journeyed unto the seas, unto Alexandria, unto Brittany, unto the Northlands, yea even unto Homer’s Holy Attic a pilgrim I play, where I, like a robot mouse, wander sightless through the dark, that my soul may fly into the Open Source, the region where will our lord Graham, as prophesied, surveying our wandering tribe, Take All into His keeping. Thus sayeth the Gospel of Demijohn.


Um… Amen?


I think all the main relevant points have been raised before, and now we’re circling back, so I’ll close this now. Thank you for trying to keep to a respectful tone, and for cleaning up after yourselves if you did get a little heated.