Glad to hear you got it sorted out. I honestly don’t know what happened either.


Hello everyone! I spoke to Jacqueline about it and I want to confirm that Club Floyd is again open to Beta Testing. All the same things apply as last time around, and we already have someone lined up for this Sunday, July 23rd.

So, please hit me up via either email ( or DM if you’re interested. If last year is any indication, a bit of a crunch period happens and spots start filling up, so don’t procrastinate if this sounds like something you want to do.



Moved down to a new post: Clubfloyd OPEN to Beta Testing [UPDATE: OPEN AGAIN AS OF JULY 21ST, 2023] - #50 by pinkunz

This copy deleted so I didn’t have to worry about keeping two versions in sync.


So, as a caveat I hadn’t previously thought necessary, please let us know if a title is AIF when submitting it to us. We’ll still do it, just sometimes a bit of surprise on booting things up. Also, some of the normal participants may want the option to opt out, which is fair.

Also, please let us know if an entry is intended for IFComp, as Jacqueline needs to recuse themselves from those sessions to avoid any appearance of favoritism.

Thanks and keep them coming!


This is something probably already considered, but just to get it out there …

  1. if someone wants/needs to back out, what time frame is appropriate to notice this? There are two cases here: first, that someone’s work just isn’t ready, and second, that they’ve gotten enough testing and would like to leave the path open for someone who might need it more.
  2. would it be useful to have a waiting list in case someone decides to pull their WIP from ClubFloyd Beta? With the obvious disclaimer that people the waiting list is no guarantee. Having a waiting list might be nice for someone who’s pretty sure their entry is tested well enough, but if someone else needs it more, they’d like them to go ahead.

This isn’t a doctor’s office. We aren’t going to fine you for a cancelation. With that said, it’d certainly be considerate to let us know if your plans change.

Possibly. I probably wouldn’t institute that unless most or all available slots filled. If things got that backed up and we were sincerely under that much demand, I might broach shoehorning additional sessions at different times, or double length sessions at our normal time, to get through the backlog. I don’t know how the group would respond to that. I probably wouldn’t bring it up until if and when it got to that point.


Okay, mildly embarrassing admission here. I lost a betatester.

I have next sunday marked as scheduled on the calender, but I cannot recall who scheduled it. (Normally I would just remember, but I think the amount of stress this summer has me a bit scrambled.)

I’ve been through all my forum DMs and Private Chats as well as my DMs on Discord and my email. I cannot find the original request, even though I know I received it.

Would the betatester for the September 17th slot please ping me?

Again, very sorry.


Update: Found them! :grin:


Someone just snagged the last slot available before the IFComp deadline, so if you have a game you were hoping to betatest with Club Floyd before the deadline, hit me up ASAP and we can see if there’s any way to shoehorn one more in.

Other than that, Club Flub is effectively booked for IFComp entries. We still have plenty of availability into October for EctoComp, though!


(Moved down to more recent in the conversation.)


What does No Requests mean?

No requests and no arrivals, no requests and no arrivals, Fi-i-i-inals…


When the date finally came, we had received no requests to betatest a game that day.


It’s a shame nobody took the September 10th slot … y’all were really helpful just now. That game breaking bug of mine, though … ouch!

I had been in a slump with fixing IFComp candidate bugs and this boosted me nicely. I really do recommend anyone who is on the fence about doing so to give it a shot. It feels good to be able to fix bugs immediately as they come up.

Even just having that testing slot and preparing a playable build was important to me. I sort of scrambled to put in a quasi-cheat feature in case the session, and I’m now very glad I did.

Anyway, endorsement over. They’ve helped me with 3 of my works so far (Spring Thing 2022, IFComp 2022, IFComp 2023) so I’d like to recommend them. It’s worth learning to navigate IFMud, if you don’t know how!


I liked the originality of the game very much. English adventureers will agree with me when they have played your game.
There are several things to improve but you are lucky becouse you have time.


Once logged into iMUD, what are the directions to the clubhouse?

Thanks, Jeff


That’s the rub. There aren’t any. Not anymore.

It used to be that ClubFloyd was held in the Toyroom, SW of the Lounge. However, that’s no longer the case.

Long story short, someone wandered into the toyroom and broke Floyd, trainwrecking the next session. They realized there was no way to prevent that from happening again, so they duplicated the repaired Floyd and put it in a new room, the Clubhouse.

The Clubhouse isn’t geometrically connected to any other room on the MUD. It basically exists in its own pocket universe and the only way in or out is teleportation.

You would need a ClubFloyd Pass to be granted the ability to use the “clubhouse” command to teleport directly there. If you go to the Lounge and ask, someone would very very likely help you. You can get to the Lounge from anywhere in the MUD by typing “Lounge” and pressing enter.


Oh well. Sounds like an exclusive club…


Wasn’t really meant to be. The old toyroom was wide open. I’ve been in and out for nearly 4 years now and I have never once seen nor heard of anyone not being welcome to attend. If you show up for the session, I’ll be sure you get a pass. That goes for anyone else.


Y’know, this isn’t the first time we’ve had some issues with this change. I have an idea. Let me go see if we can make this smoother for interested folks.


Is it like a normal MUD and the interaction remain in place?