Chris Klimas (klembot) Twine: Past, Present, Future

This talk is mostly about the present state of Twine and what I think about when I think about its future, both short- and long-term. I’ll talk a little about its origins just to set the stage and provide some context, but the history of Twine is really a talk unto itself.

I found a funny little piece of software, TiddlyWiki, which was a web page you could download and then edit directly in your web browser. It fascinated me as a piece of software because I didn’t think a web page sitting on your computer could do that. We’d now call this a security hole. But it’s funny, how so many interesting things come out of security holes, out of things that weren’t intended to be possible.

Anway, I began writing hypertext stories with TiddlyWiki, though I don’t think I exactly thought of them as hypertext.

It wasn’t until a community that I wasn’t even aware of at the time, the indie game community, adopted it, that it really took off. That too is a story in itself.