Changing 'change'

In trying to update my Notepad extension so that it won’t contain the now deprecated “change X to Y” syntax, I’ve hit a snag. I was able to amend the code in the extension itself, but the code in the Beethoven example also uses this syntax, and I’ll be damned if I can figure out how to fix it. Here’s the offending rule:

The queued command is indexed text that varies.

Rule for reading a command:
if the queued command is empty:
now Beethoven-willing is false;
make no decision;
now Beethoven-willing is true;
change the text of the player’s command to the queued command;
change the queued command to “”.[/code]
I’m sure there’s a simple way to fix this, but what is it? There’s something going on here between text, indexed text, and snippets, but if the syntax for making the required conversions is explained in Writing with Inform, I haven’t been able to find it. It doesn’t seem to be on page 17.31, which is the most likely place to look.

Suggestions, anyone?

I don’t see what the problem is; all I did was change “change X to Y” to “now X is Y”. But here is what I did, which works:

[code]The queued command is indexed text that varies.

Rule for reading a command:
if the queued command is empty:
now Beethoven-willing is false;
make no decision;
now Beethoven-willing is true;
change the text of the player’s command to the queued command;
now the queued command is “”.[/code]

Note that “change the text of the player’s command to (indexed text)” is different from “change (a stored value) to (value)”, and as such is not deprecated. Also, “now the text of the player’s command is the queued command” will not work, because “the text of the player’s command” is unrecognized.

Yet another special case in Inform syntax? I’m shocked, shocked!

Thanks for the clarification. I’ll resubmit the extension to Mark Musante. Let’s hope he likes “change the text of the player’s command,” because I don’t feel very inspired to keep working on this.

It’s right there in the section you were looking at, you know: