Categorise action help

Running into a syntax issue (I hope) and I’m not familiar enough with action categorizing. Trying to lump a few actions into a category so a countdown clock I’ve got going ignores that category. I’ve having trouble when adding “examine” actions.

This works fine:

Looking is SkippingCount.
Taking inventory is SkippingCount.

Adding these “examine” actions does not. (I’ve tried with the “with” and without.)

Examining with digital clock is SkippingCount.
Examining with parrot is SkippingCount.
Looking is SkippingCount.
Taking inventory is SkippingCount.

Advice? Thank you.

“Examining with” isn’t an action Inform understands, I don’t think - try just “examining the digital clock” etc.

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Yeah, that’s what I was saying in the post. I’ve tried a few syntax versions with “with” and without.

Examining the digital clock is SkippingCount.
Examining the parrot is SkippingCount.

Gets me this translation failure:

The sentence 'Examining the digital clock is SkippingCount'   appears to say two things are the same - I am reading 'Examining the digital clock' and 'SkippingCount' as two different things, and therefore it makes no sense to say that one is the other: it would be like saying that 'the hawk is the handsaw'. It would be all right if the second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps with properties: for instance 'Elsinore is a lighted room' says that something called Elsinore exists and that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know about, combined with a property called 'lighted' which I also know about.

Ditto when skipping the definite article.

Examining digital clock is SkippingCount.
Examining parrot is SkippingCount.

Huh, weird – this code compiles for me and seems to give the correct behavior:

The kitchen is a room.  the dish is in the kitchen.  The digital clock is in the kitchen.  The parrot is in the kitchen.

Examining the digital clock is SkippingCount.
Examining the parrot is SkippingCount.
Looking is SkippingCount.
Taking inventory is SkippingCount.

Before skippingcount:
	Say "This is skipping."

I think you must have something else in your code making this not work, unfortunately-- maybe some other definition of skippingcount somewhere?

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This work on my side, what’s your complete code?
Are “the digital clock” & “the parrot” defined?

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Afraid not. :frowning: Well, not defining “skippingcount” anyway. Certainly possible some other conflict is happening.

Unless using “if” statements somehow interferes? Later on I do stuff like:

if PeterCountdown is 40 and the current action is not SkippingCount:

Unfortunately, it’s a huge game so supplying the full context is impractical. Yes, clock is an object and parrot an animal. Defined in all the traditional senses.

Huh. I wonder why “examining” is the issue here. Like I mentioned, “looking” and “taking inventory” are fine.

I think it’s one of the relatively rare “order of definition” issues. If I take the two definitions “The digital clock is in the kitchen. The parrot is in the kitchen.” from Mike’s example and move them to the end of the source text, then the example fails to compile, with the error “The sentence 'Examining the digital clock is SkippingCount' appears to say two things are the same [etc.]”.


Ha! Yes, that was it. Wild. In fact, I had to put the “looking” and “inventory” definitions at the very top, and then the object/animal definition after their own definition. That hurts my orderly brain, but so be it. Thanks!