Can you control how Inform7 prints inventory and score when you call it (rather than just pressing i)?

Hello again.

In my last post, some of you may have noticed I had the code;

say "[line break]Your score is [score] out of 10.[paragraph break]You are carrying [the list of things enclosed by the player].";

Is there a built in way to get it to list inventory in the same format as when you press “i”?

Also, can I prevent Inform printing the line [your score as gone up by one] after I’ve already informed the player of their score (I’m not really a fan of scoring but this game will prinmarily be played by youngsters unfamiliar with text adventures. Showing a score that is not 100% even when they’ve finished the game will alert them to the fact that IntFiction also has sidequests.)

On the first piece, you can just add “try taking inventory” to your rule if you want to do it the easy way – the power-user way would be to add “list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, giving inventory information, including contents, with extra indentation” to mimic the default inventory style (you can change those options if you want to tweak the presentation). See this bit of the docs, including the Equipment List example, for more on the options.

For the second piece, just include this in the code:

The notify score changes rule does nothing.

The RULES testing command can make figuring out how to do stuff like this relatively simple – it prints out what rules are firing at each stage of action-resolution, so if you turn it on and then do something that increases your score, you’ll see “[Rule “notify score changes rule” applies.]” printed out right before the standard “[Your score has just gone up by one point]” output. So from that you can tell that’s the rule you want to change or knock out!

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on the specific player issue (youngsters whose ought to be pointed/nudged on the presence of side quests), why not modify the score, adding something along the lines of:

“you found X out of Y sidequests and have solved Z of those”

seems an interesting idea…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.