I’m making an illustrated version of Never Gives Up Her Dead for commercial release.
After some experimentation, I decided to do images using the ‘footnote’ model used in some Infocom games and in the “Ibid.” example number 300 in Writing With Inform.
I have the following code:
Understand "image [number]" as looking up a footnote.
Looking up a footnote is an action applying to one number.
Check looking up a footnote:
if the number understood > footnotes mentioned, say "You haven't seen that many images yet. Type IMAGES to see a list of all unlocked images." instead;
if the number understood < 1, say "Images are numbered from 1."
Carry out looking up a footnote:
choose row with assignment of number understood in the Table of Footnotes;
let temp be drawing entry;
display temp;
The issue is that time still progresses when looking at an image, which is kind of strange. I’d like to make it ‘out of world’, but I don’t think ‘out of world’ actions can be ‘applying to one number’.
Is there a way to use this code while using the ‘out of world’ mechanic (where scenes don’t progress and turn count doesn’t go up)?