Here is a method to find the address of the GPR routine represented by a token such as [color], by pulling it from the grammar of a verb word that in the first grammar line in its grammar table includes [color] as the first token after the verb word.
In this example, after Understand "mix [color] with [second-color]" as mixing it with.
, the grammar token [color] is indeed the first token after ‘mix’ in a single grammar line, so…
First when play begins: set color token.
To set color token: (- default_color_token=GetGPRRoutine('mix'); -).
Include (-
Global default_color_token;
[ GetGPRRoutine verb_wd i line_address first_ttype first_tdata pcount;
! call this with a verb (dictionary word) and if the 1st token of the 1st grammar line for that verb is a GPR routine, the function returns its address
i = DictionaryWordToVerbNum(verb_wd);
line_address = ((#grammar_table)-->(i+1))+4; ! look up start of grammar table for this verb, skip 1 byte for <no of grammar lines>; 3 for <##action name + flags byte> of first line, to reach first token
first_ttype=line_address->0 & $0F; ! token type (we want GPR_TT)
first_tdata=(line_address+1)-->0; ! token data
if (first_ttype==GPR_TT) return first_tdata; ! first_tdata is address of the GPR routine
print "###Error - GetGPRRoutine() tried to find a GPR routine address from the first grammar token of the verb'", (address) verb_wd, "' but that token wasn't a GPR routine.^^";
! PrintGrammar(verb_wd);
which means when play begins, the I6 global default_color_token now contains the address of the GPR routine represented by [color], and we can use that in our second colour token routine, thus:
[ second_color_token x firstnum;
firstnum = parsed_number; ! saves the first parsed number locally
x = ParseToken(GPR_TT, default_color_token); ! <- global assigned when play begins with the address of the [color] token GPR routine
if (x == GPR_FAIL or GPR_REPARSE) return x;
second_color = parsed_number; ! saves the second parsed number into a global
parsed_number = firstnum; ! returns the first number to its usual global spot