Brand new to all this, trying to make my own game.

I’m trying to make a murder mystery style game and I’m struggling to make a working “accuse” action. I want the action to either end the game in victory if the target is the randomly assigned murderer otherwise I want the action to end the game in death, is this even possible? My attempts have all failed so far, here’s my latest.

Flooping is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "accuse [something]" as flooping. Check flooping: if the noun is not a person, say "Only guests are the party can be accused, you can hardly expect [noun] to be the killer." instead. Carry out flooping: "[if] [thing] is the murder, end the game in victory otherwise end the game in death[end if]." Instead of flooping the player: say "You can't be the murderer, you've only just go to the party.".

You need to change the line

"[if] [thing] is the murder, end the game in victory otherwise end the game in death[end if]."


if the noun is the murder, end the game in victory; otherwise end the game in death.

(I’m assuming that you meant to write “murder” here, not “murderer”; if it’s just a typo, you’ll have to change that.)

As you can see, I’ve removed the quotation marks, because they make the line into just a string of text which Inform doesn’t know what to do with. I’ve changed “[thing]” to “the noun”, which is how you refer to whatever the player accused. And I’ve added a semi-colon after “victory”, so that Inform knows where that line ends and the next one begins.

He says “Thank you,” I’d imagine.