Betatesting system for Twine

Not sure if this is the right place to ask and googling didn’t really help.

So, I’m part of a group of beta testers for a game in development. My question is, what’s the best way for beta testers to edit a game like this?

Keep in mind that most of our work is finding typos and grammar mistakes as well as prose and pacing so far, bugs haven’t been a problem since this is a text heavy game.

I’m not sure what the norm is, but we’ve been using a discord channel to submit our findings. Which turned redundant as we kept submitting the same typos. Now we tried copying the text from twine’s editor mode (not sure of the name. The function that basically copies the text without the code) and putting it on a google doc. Which would be fine except the passages are out of order, but eh.

I just wanted to know how do people usually this?


Many IF parsers has a “comment” function, generally *, allowing inline comments in transcript, but this is indeed not applicable to browser-based choice IF, (thanks for raising the question, indeed I was wondering about why I get zero ßtester, now I understand, having not only English as learned language, but also a known issue about not uppercasing letters, esp. those around the middle of the keyboard… and reporting all those small typo without comment features is a major PITA for betatesters.

so, being really interested in this very issue, I concur and second your question.

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

there are proofreading formats for twine.

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I understand, I just wanted to know do there was another way to proofread the text with a group or do it more efficiently as I noted the issue with the out of order passages.

If a Twine project switches to being Twee Notation based, then the Passages of a project are stored in plain text (tw or twee) files.

This means that other tools can be used to edit the contents of those files, like a Text Editor with spelling & grammar checking extensions installed. And a distributed Version Control system could be used so multiple people can work on the same files.


Understood. Thank you for your help!