There used to be two or three and I had them. Even as recent as December last year somewhere, I read a post someone talking about them. But I can not find any right now. I search for “Interactive Fiction interpretor”, “Z-machine”, “Text Adventure game maker”, “Virtual Machine interpretor”, “Fabularium” , etc.
Are they still on the Google Play Store? Or do you have to manually download from a third party website? Maybe I have a setting hiding them, although I am not sure why. Thank you.
I think Fabularium is just on F-Droid now? Or maybe you can get it from its Github, but from a quick search I’m not sure if that old repository is the right one. In any case it works well from F-Droid.
This isnt an answer, but Google have a habit of pulling apps that are not frequently updated. As a developer, you have to keep pushing out new versions that target their later OS versions.
F-Droid is strictly for open source apps, so it’s safe for commonly used stuff. It’s always possible that someone could sneak something malicious into an infrequently downloaded app, but that risk exists even in the so-called “safe” app stores of Apple and Google.
Just get the F-Droid app from the site. It’ll download an apk file you can install on your phone. After that, the F-Droid app works just like another app store - just search and install whatever you want.