Are random events within random events possible? Harlowe 3.1.0

Hello, all. I’m a brand new Twine user (3 days ago). I am using Harlowe 3.1.0.

I would like to know if it is possible to have several random events within another random event.

For example,

(either: “I want to do A”,“I want to do B”,"I want to do (either: “C”,“D,” (either: “E”,“F”,“G”)))

I’ve searched the wiki, cookbook, forum, and the manual and have not been able to find if such a thing is possible.

Thanks in advance for your help.

FYI, I’m trying to learn this program in order to create an interactive fiction for my 4th Grade students who are now all learning remotely. We were in the midst of an interactive project (in class) and that project is too difficult to continue over the internet (too many moving pieces to teach the parents how to do it all), so I want to at least give them some choice as they finish learning about the pioneers.

Please use the Preformatted Text option found in the tool-bar when including code examples.

You could reformat your example into the following…

(set: _result to (either: "I want to do A", "I want to do B", "I want to do " + (either: "C", "D", (either: "E", "F", "G"))))

… however as the text "I want to do " is repeated multiple times a better variation would be…

(set: _result to "I want to do " + (either: "A", "B", (either: "C", "D", (either: "E", "F", "G"))))

So as you can see you can pass the value returned by the (either:) macro as an argument to another call of the (either:) macro, but I’m unsure if that is the most efficient means to achieve such an outcome…

Thank you for your response (it works like a charm) and for letting me know about the Preformatted Text option. I will use it in the future.

Do you know it is possible to include this in the formal documentation for Twine?

If by “Twine” you mean the Twine 2.x application itself then that is only responsible for managing/editing the Passages of a project and for combining those Passages together with a Story Format template to produce a Story HTML file, this second action is known as compiling. The Story Format itself is responsible for all the core functionality and the default HTML structure / CSS styling of a story.
So in this context your question doesn’t make sense, because the Twine 2.x application’s documentation focuses on how to use the application to manage/edit a project and how to generate Story HTML files.

If by “Twine” you actually mean the Harlowe story format then you would need to ask its Developer that question on the story format’s BitBucket repository.

Thank you, again. Forgive me for not being clearer with my question.

I meant for the developer to include that with its documentation.

This is what I am currently using as a solution. I had some difficulty implementing your solution (I know it is on my end). I know this is a bit more coding, and, as such, is sloppy, but I am ok with it.

(set: _result1 to (either:"I've made up my mind.","Ok, its done. I've made up my mind."))
(set: _result2 to (either: "I've talked it over with everyone, ","I've calculated the risks, ","I've thought long and hard about it, "))
(set: _result3 to (either: "and let the consequences be what they may.", "and I'm rolling the dice."))
(set: _result4 to (either: "I'm joining the thousands of others that are moving west!", "I'm heading out west!", "I'm following my dreams and crossing the prairie!"))
April 1850


(print:_result2)(print: _result3) 
