Are quantitative relations possible? Or relations between three objects and values?

This works in v10:

a person has a relation of a person to a number called the friendship level.

To set the friendship of (p1 - a person) to (p2 - a person) to (n - a number):
  now the friendship level of p1 relates p2 to n;

To decide what number is the friendship of (p1 - a person) to (p2 - a person):
  if p2 relates to a number by the friendship level of p1, decide on the number to which p2 relates by the friendship level of p1;
  decide on 0.

This changes some things.

It compiles in 6M62 but along with the other code in my example above (with the friendship-map bits removed) blows up on a runtime error in all of git, glulxe, quixe.