Appearance of CustomBannerWindow

I recently found out that the appearance of CustomBannerWindow is quite confusing, when the wanted output is just monospaced text (with many blanks):

While the windows interpreter displays a BannerTypeTextGrid (without any additional modifications) correctly, QTads does the spacing also correct, but uses a window with a black background and white text (and obviously you can’t change this) which is quite ugly.
Parchment displays it as expected as white window with black text.

Now: changing the window to a BannerTypeText with the additional <tt> tag makes it display in Windows Interpreter and QTads as expected, but in Parchment it strips off all additional blanks.

So is there a shorthand way of defining the banner so that all 3 Interpeters display it in the same way? I thought of creating the window type at runtime, but then I need a way within TADS to identify the interpreter that runs the game. I found nothing about that in the docs.

Best greetings,

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It’s not something controlled by QTads’ preferences?

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Here I have for Banner Windows grey background which indeed only works for the main banner, not for further custom banners… or did I miss something?

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Hm, I don’t know without being at a computer but if that doesn’t fix it then it’s not a preferences thing. Have you used html tags for coloring?

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I’ts quite easy, I figured it out!

picWindow: CustomBannerWindow
    bannerArgs = [nil, BannerAfter, statuslineBanner, (outputManager.htmlMode? BannerTypeText : BannerTypeTextGrid ), 
              BannerAlignTop, 3, BannerSizeAbsolute, BannerStyleBorder]      

You can let the game chose the type of window while creating the banner object (which is quite awesome I think) and outputManager.htmlMode can test whether we have a typical html interpreter like windows standard / QTads or parchment! I’m flashed!