[ANN] Sand-dancer v6

I’ve just created a new release of Sand-dancer for Dialog.

It’s is playable on the web and can also be downloaded separately.

Source code is on GitHub:

This is a re-implementation of Aaron Reed’s Sand-dancer game in Dialog, the subject of his excellent book Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform7.

This work is intended as a larger sample of techniques usable in Dialog; at this point, it has diverged somewhat from the original Inform 7 source material, so a 1:1 comparison would not be very enlightening. I encourage people to browse the source; a discussion on organization, testing, and other aspects of creating a game would, I hope, be valuable.

New in this release:

  • Package up the web page with cover images, IF guide, etc.
  • Override default smell to reflect the desert and current location or scene
  • Beef up text and actions related to getting the gas can
  • Model the radio better if attacked during sinister voices
  • Customize listen to radio during sinister voices
  • Streamline pacing in chase and fight scenes

A post was merged into an existing topic: [ANN] Sand-dancer (Dialog) v1