age limit!

The problem happens with both my script and yours, but if you use matt w’s fix it works fine and stops causing problems. If you don’t the player could redefine the age whenever they type a number.

i’ve tested that, it never happens with me. o.o

how do you produce this error?

Try pasting my script or yours into an empty file. Once you have entered your age and gone back to the regular game mode try typing a number or a bad command like fnklfldsn.

no such option available
my custom error message displays which i'm not gonna show off here because it's hilarious.

I just don’t see what the problem is. o.o

Huh, I guess you must already have done soemthing that scripted it out of your game, because in my blank test game you could change the numbers at any time at all.

that’s what I’ve been saying. o.o i multicheck every small change at every turn. that’s why i work so slow.