adv3Lite version 1.6 release imminent

Now done, by adding:

traversed = (hasBeenTraversedBy(gPlayerChar))

These changes have been added to the main library and pushed to GitHub, and so will be included in the imminent v 1.6 release.


Great! I’m still finishing my adv3 game, but I’ve been slowly creeping through the Lite docs, so I’ll hopefully give Lite a ride sometime in the future…

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Now I must & duly retract my assertion about incompatibilities, because I successfully managed to port a rather sizeable (230+ Kbyte of source code) WIP from adv3 to adv3Lite, during 4-5 sessions spanning roughly a week.

Also, the merged template name and vocabWord into vocab was actually (as in, experimentally proved) the less serious of the porting issues…

so, I formally retract my wrong assertion.

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


not precisely a bug, perhaps more precisely a wart, but the answers to trying to smell a room without odor attached led to this inconsistent (at least…) set of answers:

Living room

This room is a living room; indeed there’s a sofa, facing an huge painting, placed in a prominent spot at the very centre of the south wall, between an arched passage to a corridor and a larger archway leading southeast to another room, and a low table is placed between this sofa and the painting, the style and design of the sofa and table is a very strange one, whose you have never seen.

>smell room

The living room is too far away to smell distinctly. 

>smell living

The living room is too far away to smell distinctly. 

>smell living room

The living room is too far away to smell distinctly. 


You smell nothing out of the ordinary.

>*the last IS the correct behaviour, IMVHO

Comment recorded. 

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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I agree this behaviour is far from ideal, and the same thing happens with LISTEN.

The simplest fix is probably the following:

modify Room
    smellSize = large
    soundSize = large

I’ll incorporate this into the library for the next release.


works as expected per-room, whose IS my scope (more than one sense ;), but smellSize & soundSize don’t propagate to adjacent rooms when used in conjunction with sense regions ? this can cause a different set of problems…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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Remote smelling and listening across a SenseRegion are controlled by the Room properties isSmellableFrom(pov) and isAudibleFrom(pov) which default by default depend on the values of smellSize and soundSize respectively, and can be further cutomised in remoteSmellDesc(pov) and remoteListenDesc(pov), so I’m not sure I immediately see the problem here, although of course some game code tweaking may be needed to get the desired results in any specific situation (e.g., by overrding isSmellableFrom(pov) and/or isAudibleFrom(pov)). Do you have a specific problem case in mind?

That said, I’ll take another look at this (I have a couple more ideas) when I’m feeling a bit less brain dead from too many late nights!