[adv3lite] Calling an object 'an <name>'...

I’m sure I’ve missed this in the documentation, but I can’t figure out how to call an object 'an '…

This is what I’m trying to use, codewise:

+ objAutopsyOrganMeasurementsBoard: Thing 'Autopsy Organ Measurements Board;;;' { desc () { // This is based on the organ measurement board that Paul found on an urban exploration of an abandoned Derby hospital. "<.p>TODO"; } }

Help? This is using adv3lite 1.1.

You forgot to give it an in-game name. Try:

[code]+ objAutopsyOrganMeasurementsBoard: Thing
// This is for the parser only. You don’t need to capitalize the words.
‘autopsy organ measurements board;;;’

// This is for how it is named in the game. Capitalize words here if you want.
'Autopsy Organ Measurements Board'

desc ()
{ /* … */ }

The “a” vs “an” thingy is taken care of automatically. In this case, “an” will be used, since “Autopsy” begins with “A”.

EDIT: Never mind, I’m a moron. Aside from forgetting to mention I’m using adv3lite, the solution is simply this:

+objAutopsyOrganMeasurementsBoard: Thing 'autopsy organ measurements board;;writing;' // Note the lack of capitals! { desc () { // This is based on the organ measurement board that Paul found on an urban exploration of an abandoned Derby hospital. "<.p>It's actually just a simple writing board, probably the standard kind of size these things tend to be. Judging by the writing on it, it was clearly meant to be used to record organ measurements as part of an autopsy."; } }
