If you’re still into actions with more than two nouns you might want to try the following code. It is based on an example in DM4 (the I6 Designer’s Manual):
[code]The third noun is an object that varies. The third noun variable translates into I6 as “third”.
The understand token third something translates into I6 as “THIRD_NOUN_TOKEN”.
[cf. DM4, p. 489]
Include (-
Global third;
-) after “Definitions.i6t”.
Include (-
if (x == GPR_FAIL or GPR_REPARSE) return x;
third = x; return GPR_PREPOSITION;
Now you can define your 3-noun action like this:
[code]Lockpicking is an action applying to two things.
Understand “pick [something] with [something] and [third something]” as lockpicking.
Report lockpicking: say “You pick [the noun] with [the second noun] and [the third noun].”[/code]
Accordingly, you can add a fourth noun (or even more).