Actions applying to rooms?

Could someone help me out, please? I’ve been puzzling for hours now;
I’m trying to create a command that changes the description of -anything-. NPCs, things and rooms, even the sky.
For now, let’s assume the player is a god-like figure, and he or she may change something with a command I’ll call ‘zap’. How do I write this? I know how to make an action apply to a thing and even change it’s description, but that’s not enough for what I need :slight_smile:

I hope someone can figure this one out~
Your help is greatly appreciated ^-^

[code]Base is a room. Bob is a man in Base. The ball is in Base.

Zapping is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “zap [any thing]” as zapping. Understand “zap [any room]” as zapping.

Carry out zapping:
now the description of the noun is “Zapped by you!”

test me with “zap base / zap bob / zap ball / l / x bob / x ball”.[/code]

You may want to modify what you can zap, of course - make sure the room’s been visited, or is visible, or something.

Alrighty, thanks so much! Now, I figured it’d make sense for the zap command to be able to toggle!

[code]Every thing has some text called zapdesc. The zapdesc of something is usually “unzappable”.
Every thing has some text called regdesc. The regdesc of something is usually “There is nothing special about this.”.
Every room has some text called zapdesc. The zapdesc of a room is usually “unzappable”.
Every room has some text called regdesc. The regdesc of a room is usually “There is nothing special about this room.”.

Understand “zap [any thing]” as zapping.
Zapping is an action applying to one thing.
Check zapping:
If the zapdesc of the noun is “unzappable”:
say “That is unzappable.”;
Carry out zapping:
If the description of the noun is the regdesc of the noun:
now the description of the noun is the zapdesc of the noun;
now the description of the noun is the regdesc of the noun;
Report zapping:
say “Your hands glow with an intense light when your power touch touches [noun].”.

Testroom is a room. “This is the testroom.” The zapdesc of the room is “This is a lovely testroom.”.

The ball is in testroom. The description is “This is a ball.”. The regdesc of ball is “This is a ball.”. The zapdesc of ball is “This is a bucket! (but it is a ball)”.[/code]

However, when playing, it returns “That noun did not make sense in this context.” when I try to zap here, room or testroom.
What am I overlooking? o.o;

You forgot the “Understand “zap [any room]” as zapping.” line.

Also, rooms aren’t called “room” or the current room “here” by default, you have to add the understand lines for them as well:

Understand "room" as a room. Understand "here" as a room when the location is the item described.

Thanks a bunch, now it works! :smiley: