lab is a room.
color is a kind of value.
the colors are brown, red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo, violet.
a color has a relation of a color to a color called the mixmaster.
to (c1 - color) mixed with (c2 - color) is (c3 - color):
now the mixmaster of c1 relates c2 to c3;
now the mixmaster of c2 relates c1 to c3;
to decide what color is (c1 - color) mixed with (c2 - color):
if c2 relates to a color by the mixmaster of c1, decide on the color that c2 relates to by the mixmaster of c1;
when play begins:
red mixed with blue is violet;
say "red + blue = [red mixed with blue].";
say "blue + red = [blue mixed with red].";
say "orange + green = [orange mixed with green].";
red + blue = violet.
blue + red = violet.
orange + green = brown.