To further clarify your explanation in that link:
Inform is rather inconsistent about when “something” means thing, and when it means object. The reason the player can’t usually refer to rooms is that they are not in scope.
Naming is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "name [something]" as naming.
Carry out naming: say "[The noun]".
After deciding the scope of the player:
repeat with R running through rooms:
place R in scope;
repeat with R running through regions:
place R in scope.
The player can name any object (except for the nothing object): thing, room, region, direction.
If “name [something]” is changed to “name [a thing]”, then only things are accepted. And if “Carry out naming:” is change to “Carry out naming something:”, then the rule will only apply when the noun is a thing.
So in “applying to one thing”, thing means object. In “name [something/a thing]”, something means object but thing means thing. And in “Carry out naming something”, something means thing. Confusing.
in Carry out naming ...
something/anything/thing/some thing/a thing
are all synonymous restricting the action description to things, (any thing
is not allowed here)- but you can if you wish also say Carry out naming object
(or some object
or an object
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