Having nothing to do (save excusing myself from extended family…) during the end-year festivities, I have fooled around twine-chapbook, ending with a nice, light and very legible theme,(with the bonus, for Italians, Mexicans and Bulgarians, of a “patriotic” palette): using only the layout variable, without using CSS:
the relevant chapbook source is below, in the very first passage, aptly named ‘boot’:
config.style.link.lineColor: "white"
config.style.backdrop: "white"
config.style.page.color: "red"
config.style.page.link.active.color: "white on green"
config.style.page.link.active.lineColor: "green"
config.style.page.link.color: "green on white"
config.style.page.link.lineColor: "white"
config.style.header.border: "thin-line"
config.style.page.header.font: "Palatino 28 bold italic"
config.style.page.header.color: "green"
config.header.center: "VIVA L' ITALIA !!!"
config.style.page.footer.link.lineColor: "white"
config.style.page.verticalAlign: "center"
{embed passage: 'root'}
(the ‘root’ passage is where the actual game vars are defined, followed by another embedded passage, where the screenshot above is defined, and no, isn’t called ‘kernel’ )
(EDIT: replaced the screenshot with a better one)
HTH and
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.