A Death in Hyperspace

Thanks for reacting! I think it would help if it had been formulated thus:

I’m a little sad that I focused so much on my struggles with the game and didn’t really comment on what is perhaps more interesting – and well described by DemonApologist here – , namely the experience of playing this obviously naive AI whose reading of murder mysteries completely structures the way they see the situation. It’s like Northanger Abbey, except mystery instead of romance.

There is of course something fairly hilarious about the inane questions and accusations that form most of one’s dialogue options. Underneath the somewhat mechanical mystery, there is a poignant little comedy playing out, where the player character is too blinded by grief and excitement to see the plain truth: that the captain died of natural causes. That’s the point, and that is something I ought to have talked about in my review. So I think I’ll just append this little piece of text to it!