[6L38] How is "AGAIN" interpreted with no previous command?

I have a rule that prints out whatever player command caused a parser error. I have it because I’m making the player chose a name at the beginning of the story. The player can currently do this two ways. One is by typing a name (basically any non-command) directly in at the "> " command prompt and then confirming they want that as their name.

If a player enters “g” or “again” on the first turn, the story crashes saying [** Programming error: tried to print (char) 0, which is not a valid Glk character code for output **]. As far as I know, “again” basically replaces the player’s current command (“g” or “again”) with the last one. On the first turn, there is no last player’s command, or it’s some empty-ish default player command. So the current command is then set to something like “[some (char) 0]” that can’t be printed. I think I could fix this if I knew what that text is that Inform is failing to print. I could insert a check for that text and ignore it like I ignore all-whitespace commands. But I don’t know what that text is?

tl;dr: What is the text of the default player command at the beginning of a story; i.e., the command you get from typing “AGAIN” on the first turn?

Here’s the rule.

Rule for printing a parser error when player-name is unknown during Naming: let temp-name be substituted form of "[the player's command]"; if temp-name exactly matches the regular expression "\s*": [player's command is all whitespace] if collecting name: say "You draw a blank. [line break]"; now the command prompt is "> "; otherwise: say "What? [line break]"; [recreates the default parser error for whitespace-only command] otherwise: say "[temp-name] - it sounds familiar. Is that your name?"; if the player consents: now player-name is familiar; now chosen-name is temp-name; say "[naming-success]".

Here’s an abridged but still long runnable story that shows off the issue.

[spoiler][code]“What’s your name AGAIN?” by xxiggy

[To see me crash, type “g” or “again” on the first turn. Problem area is Section 3 at the end.]

The Featureless White Cell is a room. “Utterly featureless; impressively white.”

When play begins:
say “You awoke in a featureless white cell without so much as a visible door. A voice over an unseen intercom threatened to shoot you if you don’t tell it your name in the next 10 minutes. Well that was a few minutes ago, and you’d happily oblige - but first you need to [italic type]remember[roman type] your name.”;
let r be a random number between 4 and 8;
naming-fails in r turns from now.

At the time when naming-fails:
end the story saying “You are shot!”.

Section 1 - The Naming Scene

Include Epistemology by Eric Eve. Player-name is an unfamiliar subject.

Naming is a scene. Naming begins when play begins. Naming ends when player-name is familiar.

Chosen-name is some text that varies. Chosen-name is usually “UNKNOWN”.

Remembering is an action applying to one topic.
Understand “remember [text]” as remembering.
Understand “remember” as a mistake (“What do you want to remember?”).

Carry out remembering:
say “Nothing specific comes to mind.”

Instead of remembering “my/your/-- name”:
if player-name is unfamiliar:
now the command prompt is "What is your name? > ";
say “You are [chosen-name].”;
rule succeeds.

Name-remembering is an action applying to nothing. Understand “name” as name-remembering.
Instead of name-remembering:
if player-name is unfamiliar:
say “If you really can’t remember, you’d better make something up fast.”;
try remembering “name”.

Section 2 - Collecting Name

To decide whether collecting name:
if the command prompt is "What is your name? > ", yes;

Understand “restart/restore/save/quit/hint/help/about/rules/actions” as “[meta-command]”.

After reading a command when collecting name (this is the naming rule):
if the player’s command matches “[meta-command]”:
now the command prompt is “>”;
make no decision;
now the chosen-name is the player’s command;
now player-name is familiar;
now the command prompt is “>”;
if player-name is unfamiliar and the player’s command does not match “[meta-command]”:
say “You really need to remember your name.[line break]”;
reject the player’s command;
otherwise if player-name is familiar:
say “[naming-success]”;
reject the player’s command.

To say naming-success:
say “You say your name - [chosen-name]. This must satisfy someone, because a door appears!”;
end the story finally saying “To be continued…”
[Edit: note: doesn’t actually end the story if a player’s just gone the route of typing something in and confirming it as their name. A problem for another time.]

Section 3 - The part that’s breaking things

Rule for printing a parser error when player-name is unknown during Naming:
let temp-name be substituted form of “[the player’s command]”;
if temp-name exactly matches the regular expression “\s*”: [player’s command is all whitespace]
if collecting name:
say “You draw a blank. [line break]”;
now the command prompt is "> ";
say “What? [line break]”; [recreates the default parser error for whitespace-only command]
say “[temp-name] - it sounds familiar. Is that your name?”;
if the player consents:
now player-name is familiar;
now chosen-name is temp-name;
say “[naming-success]”.


This is a library bug. The parser should reject the initial AGAIN with an error: “You can hardly repeat that.” This works correctly in Z-code, but it’s broken in Glulx (and has been forever; the bug is inherited from the 6/11 library).

The “again” buffer is set up as garbage – it’s 260 zero bytes. To set it up correctly you can add this code:

After starting the virtual machine (this is the again buffer fix rule):
	clear the again buffer;

To clear the again buffer: (- buffer3-->0 = 0; -).

That fixed it, zarf. Thanks!