2024 3ROOT Wrapup

This year was TIGHT ya’ll. So much going on, but I’m not gonna leave you hanging, you know me. First, a peek at the numbers (yellow this year):


Looks a lot closer to a normal curve than years past. Wait, am I becoming normal?? Call my wife, I have mathematic proof! There is also a notable uptick in game quality this year, as measured by consistently fewer ratings at the low end of the scale. Assuming you agree my ratings are a reflection of “quality” and not “arbitrary cheap shots.” It’s a fair question.

Only 1/6 works got bonus points this year, somewhat behind my typical 1/5. I guess my rubric is getting more accurate over time! Yup, that’s the only possible conclusion.

And now my stardard pre-ceremony recognitions…


THE BONUS BUNCH. The works that earned a bonus point for one reason or another, showing the insufficiency of even the most RIGOROUS scoring rubric. Which 3ROOT totally is.
A Few Hours Later in the Day of the Egocentric
Focal Shift
Welcome to the Universe
Birding in Pope Lick Park
The Master’s Lair
Turn Right

THE BAD BOY PENALTY PEERS. Watcha gonna do when they come for you? The rebels that told me to stuff my rules, Teach, they were doin it their way, and didn’t care about my one point penalty on their permanent record.
A Death in Hyperspace
The Den
Where Nothing is Ever Named

THE SECOND BREAKFASTS. Absent the usual “rigor” of my review sub-series, I’ll call out the crowd here. For works that pay loving homage to IF’s historical preoccupation with light fantasy and heavy puzzles.
A Warm Reception
Forbidden Lore
The Dragon of Silverton Mine
The Master’s Lair
The Triskelion Affair
… and the winner Hildy

IF IT AINT BROKE, DON’T FIX IT. BREAK IT! To the works that most gleefully played with form in subversive, creative, or just surprising ways.
The Apothecary’s Assistant
Breakfast in the Dolomites
Where Nothing is Ever Named
Uninteractive Fiction
…and the winner, A few hours later in the day of The Egocentric

THE BANANAS SPLITS. Na-Na-na. Nana-Na-Na. To the works that were so far in left field, they circled back around to the right. The works that wore their chaos on their sleeve, and improbably made it a virtue.
First Contact
Forsaken Denizen
The Lost Artist: Prologue
Unreal People
and the winner, The Maze Gallery

I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. To works that surprised and delighted or impacted me with unorthodox narratives, conceits or twists. Or just had memorable, really well executed elements. This award predates this thread!!
String Theory
Welcome to the Universe
Yancy at the End of the World

And to cap off the proceedings, the award whose name has lost its clumsiness through sheer repitition and now has the patiny of respectability… because saying it makes it true!

THE 2024 ROOTie TOOTies! The top 5 games this year, according to JJMcC’s 3ROOT not necessarily in order:
Forsaken Denizen
Metallic Red
Under the Congnomen of Edgar Allan Poe

Honorable Mention: the first hour and a half of LATEX, LEATHER, LIPSTICK, LOVE, LUST

Thanks for another great run all, though I do look forward to a much less anxious Spring Thing and non-election year COMP in 2025. (Hopefully, also the Review-A-Thon!)