Some Newbie Questions

#3 “The key unlocks the door” is kind of a special case – it sets the door’s property “matching key,” and a door can only have one matching key. So your code is throwing an error because I7 thinks (correctly) that you’re trying to set the door’s matching key property to two separate things.

This code shows how you can have an extra matching key.

BUT in this case you don’t want to have the crowbar just unlock the door – for one thing, after you unlock it with the crowbar, you can’t lock it again, certainly not with the crowbar. So you probably want to have your “Instead of unlocking the door with the crowbar” rule print something like “You smash the door open with the crowbar. It is now unlocked and will stay that way.” And then declare "Now the door is unlocked. Now the door is open. Now the door is not lockable."or something like that (haven’t checked the exact syntax).

Another point – if “Break door with crowbar” works, make sure you write a special error message for attacking the door, saying “You’ll have to say what you want to break the door with” or something like that. Otherwise, since “break” is a synonym for “attack,” the game will tell the player “violence isn’t the answer to this one” – which is misleading, when the answer is to “break” the door with a different syntax.

#4: Try “Instead of opening the closet: try opening the closet door.”