Inform 7 6E59: Flexible Windows extension (ver. 8) troubles

Jon Ingold’s Flexible Windows extension version 8 doesn’t compile in 6E59 unless the following is removed:

Include (- with rock_value 0, ref_number 0, direct_parent 0, -) when defining a g-window.

After removing that I ran into another problem. The images displayed by glk_image_draw_scaled(g.ref_number, figure, w_offset, h_offset, w_total, h_total) as used in one of the examples do not display in the correct order. That is, the figure that is supposed to display does not display, but another unintended image does.

Maybe this problem is not isolated to the Flexible Windows extension - perhaps any time glk_image_draw_scaled is used it’s not showing the correct figure.

Has anyone else run into this problem?

These are due to changes in Inform since the last release. A new version of Flexible Windows will be submitted to the extensions library soon.


Great! Thanks for the quick reply.

And it’s now been released:
