Hint Thread for Never Gives Up Her Dead

Okay, I added you in!

Hmm. I’ve finished the game (I think?) and was a bit curious about the ending part.

So, the robot “Capture” and “Release” was not related to any puzzle?
It’s seem like I’m missing a true ending here.

Anyway, thanks for the great game.
Too bad none of my friends are into this genre or else I could introducr this masterpiece to them.
Looking forward to your next work. Thanks.


There’s no other ending involving the robot, since with the themes I was interested in it seemed important that someone should die, although several people have reported trying that. Maybe I could add in an easter egg, non-canonical ending…

Yeah, none of my IRL friends have played it, although my dad did help me test one part. So I know where you’re coming from!

Thanks for your words! Reactions like yours are the main reason I keep making games, so thank you for taking the time to write!


Re the darkness puzzle, I assume that was mildly inspired by either the darkness puzzle in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, or maybe the darkness region of So Far? Sometimes, a game has a cold open where you’re in darkness and you need to open your eyes, or open your coffin, or turn on the light, or, y’know, listen or smell to try to figure out what’s going on, so I can’t be certain which other games influenced this part of the game.


The main idea of darkness was inspired by the Magnus Archives, but the puzzle part was, I think, inspired by So Far, which I always thought had such a cool darkness area.


Hello, I would like some help with the murder mystery please. I’ve gone into the evidence room and taken everyone’s statements at least twice, not sure how to progress from here. My current clues are:

Personalized - You know Arthur owned a black box with the Croes label and a gold cross.
*Fractured - You know Dafydd’s wrist was broken postmortem.
*Method - You know Dafydd was killed with a gilded letter opener.
*Payoff - You know the dead man gave his watch to Elen to pay for her car.

I think I should look at Arthur’s case more, tried unlocking it with the curious tool but can’t figure out how to get it away from him to properly examine it.

Try matching fracutured with payoff. Why would his watch wrist be broken after he died if he already gave the watch away before he died?

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Got it, thank you! I think I got tripped up assuming someone violently wrenched away something Dafydd was holding, and did not connect it with the watch at all!

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Hi all,

Just started this game after being linked to it from another site, as somewhat of a fan of thee types of big puzzle games.

I’m mostly going through one area at a time, so I have some where I made lots of progress and some where I just poked in for a bit. The good thing with a big game like this is that I can start another section if I’m tired of whacking at a puzzle.

I’ve completely gotten through the haunted house area, and got across to the castle section, but haven’t gotten much past the initial exploration of that, although I got an iron bar which I’m sure is useful someplace.

I have 3/7 points out of the museum, I’ve solved the room with the rings and the Elvis room fully, and as I’m writing this just got through the room with the vault. I’ve made good progress on two more; I’ve gotten all the silks and spears but am not sure what to do to finish that room, and I’ve solved the pyramid but am not sure what to do with Napoleon. I’m not sure how to start in the other two, though I might just need to look around more there.

I’ve just started on the zoo area now and am still making good progress through it. I started there only because I found something there which helped in one of the other areas.

I did go into the device room section. I have found two of the octagon symbols mentioned there but am not sure what to do with them; it’s possible I need to find one in another area.

No full spoilers yet, please, although feel free to nudge me on where to start in the castle and the rest of the museum.


In the castle section, have you looked in the pool of water yet? If you did, have you interacted with your clone?

With the silks and the spears, are you sure you found them all? There should be seven of each (I think), and the game should alert you when you’ve put them all in the right place (the weapons rack and the clothesline).

With Napoleon, have you tried every color combination? There are 8, and each one gives you information through the pattern on the floor.

I couldn’t remember well about the other two rooms.
Is it the “Mary” room and “Bed” room? (or the “Soda”)

In Mary room, you might already try to “hit” the stake. Did you try to “hit” something else?

For your reference (you might already know it),
in the museum each puzzle is not related to other puzzles. (except the one you need an item from other “area”)
I was being so paranoid thinking if I would need “that” item from the other room to solve “this” puzzle or not. lol

I’ve been playing again and made more progress, even though I haven’t looked at the responses yet, I’ll do that now.

First off, the zoo has fallen fully! I was stuck on all but one part for a while but finally after looking around found it. I had a theory that maybe the octagon doors in each area would open after the area is “solved” but that didn’t happen with the one in the zoo, as far as I noticed.

I just solved the Bloody Mary sequence now too. Once I realized what I was supposed to be doing it was a matter of experimentation.

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I got six silks and spears (seven if you count the ones that are there at the start), and a picture on a shelf appeared. I do not know what I’m supposed to do with that.

I got what I was meant to do immediately, but hmm. I’m not sure if there are nudges. If you look at it, then you might understand…

(straightforward answer) HIT it!

Alright, just had to mess around and that room is solved.

Also got Napoleon done. I was wondering what that NATO alphabet poster was for!

Now I just need to figure out what I’m supposed to do with Lennon and the foosball table…

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That room is so much simpler than you think… Everything inside makes you go “ohhhhhhh, haha I get it.”

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Okay, one half of that is solved. Am I going to have the same reaction with the riddle about the bus driver?


Absolutely. Though, maybe a little less. It’s more important to the storyline though.

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And I just got it!


I’ve gotten back to the castle, got through the first few puzzles, and am now stuck on what to do at the treasure room. I’ll think about it some more, that’s been quite enough play this morning already.

EDIT: I think I now know what I’m supposed to be doing here. I just need to plot out how to do it.