Chess Chats

22… Qf4 23 Rhd1 Rh8 is actually excellent!

But I like the higher initiative that I get by checking the King, as well as preventing the Queen from connecting the rook at Qh1. Qf4 is still better by 2 points, nevertheless.

And the fact that all major pieces are off the board while I have a bishop and a passed pawn means clear win position for me.

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Mate in 11!

I think I’m getting to the limits of 3+2 games. Too many drawish game even at this level. Can you imagine mate in 11 position at this time control? And that I got it perfect? I hope I’m not being accused of cheating, even though I made a blunder at move 25.


Light Squares Rule!

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Pawn Promoted to Bishop!?

I’ve been missing easy mates lately. This is one of those games. Here Black is so intend to have pawn promotion that he ignored all mating possibilities. And the pawn is promoted to bishop ?

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Chess Fog of War

Elon Musk hates chess. It’s mostly draw. That’s true. At about 1500, they’re just so drawish where victory is marked by the slimmest margin. He also said that there’s no fog of war in chess.

Well, this is a position where I will be happy to play fog of war chess! Basically, you only declare that you made your move. Pieces locations are not announced unless you can capture my piece or I can capture your piece. Are you up to the challenge?

White to move and mate!

It’s the old forced move game, of course. WtM20.

Notice that the computer gives wildly varied evaluation even though it all comes out the same, just with transposition. Worse, the forcing move get lower evaluation!

If the Knight is not taken, then move it to h5. Nf5 to clear the board for eventual QR ladder, between Rc4 and Kh1 on move 42.

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I managed to win on time, but I should’ve mated him, instead! WtM4

I did the wrong sequence. The right sequence gives mate.

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Black can mate White King on b2 from here. :grin:

All the way across the board! (Please ignore that blunder on move 27!)

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This is the kind of fun and exciting game I like. The fact that I have 58 seconds and him only 11 seconds on a 1+1 game is just bonus. :grinning: Only Nb6 slightly slowed me down.

The game can be called a quite game, due to having only bishop-knight (+ a poisoned pawn) exchange, but mating combination looms soon enough!

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More of the same. No hesitation this time. 1:03 on 1+1 game.

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For Black to lose from this position, it must be a very discouraging outcome.

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What an innocent blunder! Black thinks the Queen is fortifying defense, but actually cause its doom! I thought this is mate, and I did mate, but it’s not mate if Black does perfect defense. 17… Qh8??

Double brilliant! Bishop and Rook for 3 pawns!
Black will lose the Queen or be mated.

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Chess: rangstorm vs Ukodo -


Turns out it’s mate anyway, but there’s no way I can calculate that deep.

Most games are like this lately: Mostly draws then blunder then win.

I expect that on longer time control, but not 1+1! Also: Push the King! Hello White King. Meet Black King.

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Alekhine’s Cannon, sideways.

It’s just as deadly horizontally as it is vertically.

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