Banner and Version - don't get in my way!

Already doing that. ^^ On the one hand, it’s all humble and all that they feel they don’t need to be mentioned but… on the other hand, they worked their ass off so that I could build a story for the enjoyment (I hope) of others. They deserve praise! They did most of the freaking work!

Respect authorial modesty.

And don’t suppress the banner. You can delay it for a late title-drop effect but make sure it shows once during play. There are chapters in the documentation showing how. (Search “banner”).

That’s like asking me to respect someone’s personal boundaries. :wink: /joke So you’re saying I should get all the credit even though they made it possible? Why do we have [complete list of extension credits] available to us then?

I’m not. I just want it to chill out in the corner for a bit.

It’s exactly the point to show the banner - when it’s requested! Not when it’s unwanted. :slight_smile:

Note that Inform’s license requires this information to be shown somewhere. I believe having a VERSION command fulfills this requirement, but the documentation makes a direct request as well:

It kinda is.

These people made a choice when they put the extensions out. Your sentiments are noble, but you should respect their choice. If you’ve got them covered in the CREDITS section, you’re good.

… shit.

massive sigh Hang on I’ll fix it. >_<

All I want for it is to feel like a book.

update: it’s the first thing printed now

Think of it as analogous to the imprint on the title page, giving credit to the publishers. Many people ignore it, true, but it’s there for reference.

it’s added, it’s the first thing printed.
and i’m not making it unavailable, i’m allowing for various means to acquire the information. I just don’t want it shown without the player specifically asking for it.

Once again…late title drop is no problem, and it is often effective to have a short playable portion before the banner if the pacing and impact of the banner is more effective when it comes later. We’re saying don’t eliminate the banner which is not what you’re wanting to do. We’re also saying “if the author went to the trouble of putting “use authorial modesty” in the source, it seems a slight bit rude for you to subvert that.”

It’d be like if you went under a pseudonym, and someone who knew your real name blatantly called you by your real name in public forums or on Facebook.

Course you can! You do it like this!

[code]Include (-

if (actor ~= player) rfalse;
print "Identification number: ";
for (ix=6: ix <= UUID_ARRAY->0: ix++) print (char) UUID_ARRAY->ix;
print “^”;
ix = 0; ! shut up compiler warning
if (standard_interpreter > 0) {
print "Standard interpreter “,
standard_interpreter/256, “.”, standard_interpreter%256,
#Iftrue (#version_number == 6);
print (char) ‘.’, HDR_TERPVERSION->0;
print (char) HDR_TERPVERSION->0;
print ") / ";
} else {
print "Interpreter ", HDR_TERPNUMBER->0, " Version ";
#Iftrue (#version_number == 6);
print (char) HDR_TERPVERSION->0;
print " / ";
print "Library serial number ", (string) LibSerial, “^”;
#Ifdef LanguageVersion;
print (string) LanguageVersion, “^”;
#Endif; ! LanguageVersion
#ifdef ShowExtensionVersions;
say__p = 1;

-) instead of “Announce Story File Version Rule” in “ZMachine.i6t”.

Include (-

if (actor ~= player) rfalse;
print "Identification number: ";
for (ix=6: ix <= UUID_ARRAY->0: ix++) print (char) UUID_ARRAY->ix;
print “^”;
@gestalt 1 0 ix;
print "Interpreter version ", ix / $10000, “.”, (ix & $FF00) / $100,
“.”, ix & $FF, " / ";
@gestalt 0 0 ix;
print "VM ", ix / $10000, “.”, (ix & $FF00) / $100, “.”, ix & $FF, " / ";
print "Library serial number ", (string) LibSerial, “^”;
#Ifdef LanguageVersion;
print (string) LanguageVersion, “^”;
#Endif; ! LanguageVersion
say__p = 1;

-) instead of “Announce Story File Version Rule” in “Glulx.i6t”.[/code]

Hope this helps.

You can also use this, which also allows for customisation of the IFID header text and includes the code for printing the raw IFID value.

Actually, if you wanted to really overrule the extension’s authorial modesty, you could simply copy/paste everything in that extension to a new extension and remove the authorial modesty line.

But don’t.

Or edit it in the existing one, provided I possess the intelligence to do so successfully and I lack the niceness.

I only meet one of those two criteria.

Clearly, if you’re going to go ahead and willfully go against the wishes of the author’s extension.

Either you need to re-read the conditions or I messed up.

Either I would but I can’t.
Or I wouldn’t though I could if I would but I wouldn’t so I’m not gonna.

Both end up in me not doing it.

You wouldn’t happen to know where to find all the adaptive verbs I7 knows, would you?

I did misread. Sorry about that. It’s great that you’ve decided to honour the extension author’s wishes. :slight_smile:

Maybe I didn’t, I’m just unable to! :wink: ahhhhh mystery!

So as much as I respect Graham, I think having the banner, credits, and version placed somewhere besides inline is perfectly fine. The request made by Graham/Inform was done when our sole user experience was a streaming text window. With the advent of web and other user experiences, something has to give to enable more usable and artistically inclined stories.

As long as there’s a simple way to view the the Credits and Version, I believe it should be author’s choice.

It is okay to disagree with people and most of our works are free and often open source. The artist has rights too.

I like this guy. :slight_smile:

I agree with David’s take on it. Things like software and serial numbers appearing can be intimidating to some, and alternatively, the author may or may not want the aesthetic effect (+ve spin) or slug (-ve spin) of the banner. I often move this material into a credits option which I explicitly make available at game start, but again, I also don’t begrudge people leaving them in VERSION, even if they don’t explicitly say, ‘type VERSION!’

On the other hand, I went out of my way back in Inform 6G60 (where it was really hard slog) to correctly credit immodest extension authors. Because to use customised extensions then, you typically had to change the author of the extension to yourself or a pseudonym if you wanted it to coexist with the vanilla version. And then the VERSION command listed the wrong info… so you’d go about manually trawling up all the info and dependencies and AUUUUGHGHH!!!..

Now that you can save customised extensions with each project in 6L38, all that arduousness has gone away.

On the topic of extensions and the modest, it does say in the Inform documentation:

[b]"A complete list, undiluted by modesty, can always be obtained using:

say “[the/-- complete list of extension credits]”[/b]
